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Heather Chandler: Did you have a brain tumour for breakfast?
Veronica & JD: V - That thing you pulled in the cafe today was pretty severe. JD - Well, the extreme always seems to make an impression.
Veronica: All JD did was ruin two pairs of pants. Maybe not even that, can you bleach out urine stains?
Heather Chandler: Hear about Veronica's affection for regurgitation?
JD: Chaos was great! Chaos was what killed the dinosaurs darling.
Veronica: So it looks like the person's been shot and killed and really they're unconscious and bleeding?
JD: We scare people into not being assholes!
Principal Gowan: Angel dust, switchblades, sexually perverse photography exhibits involving tennis rackets.
Veronica: What's your damage, Heather?
Heather Chandler: You're such a pillow case.
JD: Greetings and salutations.
Veronica: How very.
Heather Chandler: Grow up, Heather, bulemia is so '87.
The Sawyer Family: Dad: Will somebody please tell me why I read these damn spy novels. VS: Because you're an idiot. Dad: Oh yeah, that's right. Mom: You two.
Veronica: Lick it up baby!!
Heather Chandler: No one at Westerberg is going to let you play their reindeer games.
Veronica: Great pate, but I'm gonna have to motor if I want to make the funeral.
JD: Our love is god...let's go get a slushie.
JD: This is Ohio - if you don't have a brewski in your hand you might as well be wearing a dress.
Mr. Kelly: I love my dead gay son.
Veronica: Dear Diary, my teen angst bullshit has a bodycount.
Veronica and Heather McNamara: HM: Suicide is a private thing. VS: Heather, you're about to throw your life away to become a statistic in the US fucking-A today, now that's about the least private thing I can think of.
Veronica and Heather Duke: VS: Why are you such a megabitch? HD: Because I can be.
Heather Duke: Veronica, why are you pulling my dick?"
Heather Chandler: F*ck me gently with a chainsaw.
JD: Sorry I'm just feelin' a little superior tonight...
Veronica: You're beautiful.
Veronica: A Really Stupid Question.
Veronica and JD: ...cherry or Coke slushie?
Veronica: I don't really like my friends.
Veronica: You don't deserve my fucking speech.
JD: Seven schools in seven states and the only thing different is my locker combination.
Veronica: ...boning away on the neighbor's swing-set.
Veronica: ...grow up, be adults, and die.
Veronica: What's the upchuck Factor of Milk and Orange Juice?
Veronica: I just killed my best friend.
Veronica: ...a wake-up cup full of liquid drainer.
Veronica: I did NOT want them dead!
Veronica: ...blow up a couple of toasters or something.
Veronica: Experimented on like guinea pigs or patronized like bunny rabbits.
Veronica: Do you think you're a rebel?
JD: I loved you. Sure, I was comin up here to kill ya.
Veronica: That's it we're breaking up.
Veronica: You know what I want, babe? Cool guys like you out of my life.
Veronica: Heather my love, there's a new sheriff in town.
Veronica: My date for the prom kinda flaked out on me...
Veronica: And our job is being popular and shit.
Ram: Who's he think he is, Bo Diddly?
Heather Chandler: Corn nuts!
Heather McNamara: God Veronica, drool much?